Grupo Gamma

Biomedical Research Department
jueves 11 de octubre de 2012

Biomedical Research Department

Versión en español

Clinical research aims to generate new knowledge and deliver the right answers to questions coming from medical practice, and in this way benefiting patients.

Grupo Gamma is fully prepared to deliver the best standards in clinical research. We are a leading integrated network of five provider sites with a reputation for excellence. We have a staff of more than 250 physicians in all specialities working with state of the art infrastructure, information technology and trained support staff.

Within Grupo Gamma, the Biomedical Research Department (BRD) offers a complete solution to clinical trials . BRC coordinates all research activity in a centralized way, dealing with regulatory compliance and fully respecting patients rights and informed consent.

Some of the advantages of conducting clinical trials at BRD in Grupo Gamma are:

  • Ethics Committee. It complies with all local and international guidelines, and guarantees proper surveillance of all research activities
  • Electronic Patient Record. It greatly simplifies data gathering and report
  • Consulting and education. We provide consulting and training services to comply with sponsor requirements
  • Casuistic. We diagnose and treat more than 35,000 patients per month
  • Staff of Researchers and support personnel.Available full time for managing clinical research activities.



  • MD Gustavo Petroni




If you think we can help your organization in biomedical research, please don’t hesitate to contact us and request more information.

Contact Information

  • Phone +54 (341) 4209052
  • Email:
  • Address: Catamarca 1351 Rosario 2000. Santa Fe. Argentina.



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Nuestras certificaciones de calidad

Laboratorio Gammalab participa en los Programas de control de calidad externa en la Fundación Bioquímica Argentina.
Laboratorio Gammalab, participa del Programa internacional Buenos Aires de Aseguramiento Externo de Calidad en análisis clínicos. CEMIC.
Laboratorio Gammalab participa del Control de calidad externo de la Sociedad Argentina de Genética Forense.
El Centro de Medicina Reproductiva de Grupo Gamma cuenta con la acreditación plena de la Sociedad Argentina de Medicina Reproductiva (SAMER).